Conducting Behavioral Consultation in Educational and Treatment Settings is a practitioner's guide to implementing consultation with multidisciplinary care-providers for children and adults who have learning and behavioral challenges. The book focuses on the interactive, problem-solving, dispute resolution, time management and related skills necessary for conducting behavioral consultation successfully. Primary topics include (a) basic principles and practices of behavioral consultation, (b) roles, expectations and responsibilities of a behavioral consultant, (c) establishing a consultation relationship, (d) consultation in action (problem identification, problem analysis, intervention implementation and intervention evaluation), (e) supervision, (f) interpersonal skills, and (g) time management skills.
- Features explicit, best practice recommendations
- Presents strategies for successful consulting
- Provides practice aides, such as tables, charts and checklists
- Includes case examples and vignettes in each chapter
- Highlights the experience of a world-renowned clinician
1. Behavioral Consultation: Basic Principles and Practices 2. Roles, Responsibilities, and Expectations of a Behavioral Consultant 3. Establishing a Consultation Relationship 4. Consultation in Action: Problem Identification 5. Consultation in Action: Problem Analysis 6. Consultation in Action: Intervention Implementation 7. Consultation in Action: Intervention Evaluation 8. Supervision 9. Interpersonal Sills 10. Time Management Skills 11. Summary
Essential reference on implementing effective practices for behavioral consultation
James K. Luiselli is a licensed psychologist, diplomat in cognitive and behavioral psychology (ABPP), board certified behavior analyst (BCBA-D), and Director of Cliniclc+