
Conference On Statistics 1960 Papers (heritage) [Paperback]

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In 1958 the Canadian Political Science Association established a committee to look into ways and means of improving statistical research in the social sciences in Canada. One of the ways in which the committee thought this could be done was by establishing an annual forum where papers could be presented and discussed. Eight papers given at the first Conference at Queen's University are contained in this volume. Diverse alike in subject and statistical method---as indeed a collection of papers reflecting the purpose of the founding committee is bound to be---the papers as printed incorporate the discussion that attended their presentation in 1960.

The papers are: K.A.H. Buckley, Historical Estimates of Internal Migration in Canada, ; Richard E. Du Wurs, Robert Batson, Margaret Daffron, The 'Mass Society' and 'Community' Analyses of the Social Present ; P.J. Giffen, Canadian Criminal Statistics ; E.J. Hanson, The Post-war Rise of the Crude Petroleum Industry ; Gideon Rosenbluth, Salaries of Engineers and Scientists, 1951 ; David N. Solomon, Agnes M. Fergusson, The Distribution and Functions of Canadian Engineers and Scientists ; K.W. Studnicki-Gizbert, The Structure and Growth of the Canadian Air Transport Industry ; T.R. Vout, The Canadian Manufacturing Industry, 1900-57.

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