Contemporary Issues in Behavior Therapy presents innovative approaches to various societal problems worldwide. Contributors explore issues from diverse areas such as behavioral medicine, education, developmental disability, poverty, problematic behavior, and developmental considerations (ie., early family experiences and aging process). The volume stimulates ideas for research, prevention, and treatment, as well as for managing other modern ills including homelessness, crime, and aggression.Contemporary Issues in Behavior Therapy presents innovative approaches to various societal problems worldwide. Contributors explore issues from diverse areas such as behavioral medicine, education, developmental disability, poverty, problematic behavior, and developmental considerations (ie., early family experiences and aging process). The volume stimulates ideas for research, prevention, and treatment, as well as for managing other modern ills including homelessness, crime, and aggression.Behavior Change through Clinical Intervention: Empathy Training for Clients; J.R. Cautela. The Use of Behavior Therapy for Stimulating Insight; D. Powell. Rehabilitation Procedures: Treatment Issues: Toward a Better Understanding of Persons with Developmental Disabilities; G. Groden, J. Groden. The Nature of Walking: A Behavioral Foundation for the Experimental Analysis of Orientation and Mobility; J.H. Kupfer. Health Behaviors: Strategies for HIV Prevention; M.G. Baron. MedicalNoncompliance: A Behaviorological Analysis; C. Cheney. Influencing Family Functioning: Parenting: Laying a Solid Foundation for a Lifetime: The Primacy of the Initial Learning Experiences; J. Azerrad. Shaping a Stable Human Family; G. Latham. Educational Change: Education for a Better World; R. Garrett. Acting to Save Our Schools; R.D. Greer. Performance Enhancement: The Application of Behavioral Principles for Sports and Exercise EnhancelÓ%