Proceedings of the NATO ARW, Shoresh, Israel, from 30 June to 4 July 2003
Dedication v
Preface xiii
In Memoriam of Ekkehart Kroener xv
In Memoriam of Konstantin Zdravkov Markov xvii
Acknowledgment xx
Part 1 Thermodynamics, transport theory, and statistical mechan ics
GL Noise in non-Ohmic regimes of disordered systems (abstract) 3
Kamal K. Bardhan and Chandidas Mukherjee
RC Coupled tent and logistic maps: Lyapunov exponents, stability and bifur
cations of invariant set belonging to the map diagonal 5
Vladimir A. Dobrynskiy
RC Self-assembied 2D dipole clusters (abstract) 13
M. Golosovsky Y Saado, Y Neve-Oz and D. Davidov
RC Transforming to chaos by forma! forms 15
Avadis Hacinliyan Nazim Ziya Perdahci, Gokhan Sahin, H. Ahmet Yildirim
RC Representative volume element: A statistical point of view (not presented) 21 Dominique Jeulin Toufik Kanit, and Samuel Forest
RC Diffusion mediated transport and the Brownian motor 29
David Kinderlehrer
RC A phase field system with memory 37
Amy Novick-Cohen
RC Pattern formation, reconstruction, and roughening on a catalytic surface
(abstract) 43
M. Monine and L. M. Pismen
Part II Continuum mechanics of complex fluids and deformable solids with microstructure
RC The special electrical properties and the corresponding applications of car
bon black-polymer composites 47
1. Balberg
RC Continuum field model of defect-induced heterogeneities in a strained thin