Power electronics is an important branch of electrical and electronic engineering and has diverse applications. This book unravels the recent studies pertaining to control algorithms in power electronics. The various studies that are constantly contributing towards advancing technologies and evolution of power electronics and control algorithms are examined in detail through topics like electromagnetic and thermal performance, power quality and utility, modeling, simulation, etc. This book includes contributions of experts and scientists which will provide innovative insights into this field. It is a vital tool for all researching and studying this field.Power electronics is an important branch of electrical and electronic engineering and has diverse applications. This book unravels the recent studies pertaining to control algorithms in power electronics. The various studies that are constantly contributing towards advancing technologies and evolution of power electronics and control algorithms are examined in detail through topics like electromagnetic and thermal performance, power quality and utility, modeling, simulation, etc. This book includes contributions of experts and scientists which will provide innovative insights into this field. It is a vital tool for all researching and studying this field.Power electronics is an important branch of electrical and electronic engineering and has diverse applications. This book unravels the recent studies pertaining to control algorithms in power electronics. The various studies that are constantly contributing towards advancing technologies and evolution of power electronics and control algorithms are examined in detail through topics like electromagnetic and thermal performance, power quality and utility, modeling, simulation, etc. This book includes contributions of experts and scientists which will provide innovative insights into this field. It is a vital tool for all researching and studying this field.