In a stimulating and novel approach, this book explains why metaphors are persuasive, suggesting that they are ideologically effective because they are cognitively plausible and evoke an emotional response. 'Critical Metaphor Analysis' is then developed in a series of corpus-based studies in which analysis of collocations provides insight into the cognitive motivation and expressive connotation of metaphor. By unifying traditional and cognitive semantic with pragmatic approaches, the reader becomes aware of the importance of metaphor in persuasive language.List of Figures List of Tables Preface Acknowledgements Style Conventions Introduction PART I: METAPHOR BACKGROUND AND THEORY Metaphor and Thought Critical Approaches to Metaphor PART II: METAPHOR IN POLITICAL DISCOURSE The Metaphors of New Labour Metaphor in British Party Political Manifestos Metaphor in American Presidential Speeches PART III: METAPHOR IN PRESS REPORTING Metaphor in Sports Reporting Metaphor in Financial Reporting PART IV: METAPHOR IN RELIGIOUS DISCOURSE Metaphor in the Bible Metaphor in the Old Testament Metaphor in the Koran A DISCOURSE THEORY OF METAPHOR Critical Metaphor Analysis References Bibliography Index
'...this book is a valuable contribution to CDA [critical discourse analysis] but also demonstrates how Cognitive Linguistics can inform interdsciplinary studies of discourse in social and political domains. The analyses themselves are a valuable resource for anyone interested in the relation bestween language and political, religious and economic constructions of society.' - Christopher Hart, Cognitive Linguistics
JONATHAN CHARTERIS-BLACK is Senior Lecturer in Applied Linguistics at the University of Surrey. He has published extensively in the areas of figurative language, corpus linguistics, cognitive semantics and English for specific purposes.