The America we know and love is in danger as never before in its history. The Land of George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, and the uniquely great American Constitution is under deadly attack. It has already been distorted and heavily damaged. America is being assaulted from within and without by forces of atheism, legalized immorality, socialism, communism, and Islam. Some of these forces go by the deceptive names of progressives, social democrats, leftists, as well as socialism, communism, and atheism, but they have their basis in vile hatred of America, and they work assiduously to malign and defame our country, and overthrow it. Their method is constant lying and deception in every form imaginable. We witness preposterous lies every day from these individuals and groups in their quest to defame America, conservatism, Republicans, and any individual or group that opposes them. They have as their goal the revolutionary overthrow of America, and its replacement by socialism, communism, or Islam and Sharia law. All of these forces have a long historical record of inhuman cruelty, genocide, and democide. The destructive revolutionary activities of the 1960s opened up these avenues of attack, and they have increasingly evolved and been institutionalized since the 1970s and 80s. They run throughout our educational institutions, the courts, the media, entertainment, and have even infiltrated our government. Our universities have been corrupted and politicized by them. Many professors who teach our young people today are avowed Marxists, socialists, and communists. Many of these professors are also radical feminists who are atheists, Marxists, communists, and lesbians. They also express great hatred for America, and seek to radically change it to some form of Marxism, socialism, or communism. The ACLU, an atheist and communist organization from its start in 1920, is now a highly financed organization that actually seeks to legally overthrow ConstitutionlcĀ