
Courage The Joy of Living Dangerously [Paperback]

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  • Category: Books (Body, Mind & Spirit)
  • Author:  Osho
  • Author:  Osho
  • ISBN-10:  0312205171
  • ISBN-10:  0312205171
  • ISBN-13:  9780312205171
  • ISBN-13:  9780312205171
  • Publisher:  St. Martin's Griffin
  • Publisher:  St. Martin's Griffin
  • Pages:  208
  • Pages:  208
  • Binding:  Paperback
  • Binding:  Paperback
  • Pub Date:  01-Jun-1999
  • Pub Date:  01-Jun-1999
  • SKU:  0312205171-11-MING
  • SKU:  0312205171-11-MING
  • Item ID: 100394740
  • Seller: ShopSpell
  • Ships in: 2 business days
  • Transit time: Up to 5 business days
  • Delivery by: Mar 31 to Apr 02
  • Notes: Brand New Book. Order Now.

Discover your ability to be brave in times of adversity withCourage: The Joy of Living Dangerouslyfrom one of the greatest spiritual teachers of the twentieth century.

Courage is not the absence of fear, says Osho. It is, rather, the total presence of fear, with the courage to face it. This book provides a birds-eye view of the whole terrainwhere fears originate, how to understand them, and how to call on your inner strength to confront them. In the process, Osho proposes that whenever we are faced with uncertainty and change in our lives, it is actually a cause for celebration. Instead of trying to hang on to the familiar and the known, we can learn to enjoy these situations as opportunities for adventure and for deepening our understanding of ourselves and the world around us.

Having courage is more than just heroic acts in exceptional circumstances. Its a necessity to lead authentic and fulfilling lives on a day-to-day basis. This is the courage to change when change is needed, the courage to stand up for our own truth, even against the opinions of others, and the courage to embrace the unknown in spite of our fearsin our relationships, in our careers, or in the ongoing journey of understanding who we are and why we are here.

Couragealso features meditation techniques specifically designed by Osho to help people cope with their fears.

Osho challenges readers to examine and break free of the conditioned belief systems and prejudices that limit their capacity to enjoy life in all its richness. He has been described by theSunday Timesof London as one of the 1000 Makers of the 20th Century and bySunday Mid-Day(India) as one of the ten peoplealong with Gandhi, Nehru, and Buddhawho have changed the destiny of India. Since his death in 1990, the influence of his teachings continues to expand, reaching seekers of all ages in virtually every country of the world.

Oshois one of the bl�&

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