An influential textbook on calculus by the great French mathematician Cauchy (17891857), still regarded as one of his major works.During the 1820s, the great French mathematician Augustin-Louis Cauchy taught the fundamentals of calculus at the ?cole Royale Polytechnique in Paris. This is the influential textbook he wrote for his students. Cauchys methods underpin the contemporary subjects of real analysis and theoretical mechanics.During the 1820s, the great French mathematician Augustin-Louis Cauchy taught the fundamentals of calculus at the ?cole Royale Polytechnique in Paris. This is the influential textbook he wrote for his students. Cauchys methods underpin the contemporary subjects of real analysis and theoretical mechanics.In 1821, the French mathematician Augustin-Louis Cauchy published Cours d'Analyse de L'?cole Royale Polytechnique, a textbook designed to teach his students the basic theorems of calculus in as rigorous a way as possible. Cauchy was a pioneer of mathematical analysis, a branch of mathematics concerned with the idea of a limit, whether of a sequence or of a function. This book consists of 12 chapters that discuss real functions, infinitely small and large quantities, substitution groups, symmetrical functions, unknown variables, imaginary functions, and rational fractions in a recurrent series. It also provides formulas for solving various problems, such as converting the sine and cosine of a multiple polynomial arc and the Lagrange interpolation. Cauchy built on the work of Leibniz and Newton and is generally regarded as one of the greatest mathematicians in history. This is a reissue of one of his most important contributions.Introduction; Errata; Part I. Analyse alg?brique: 1. Des fonctions re?lles; 2. Des quantit?s infiniment petites ou infiniment grandes, et de la continuit? des fonctions. Valeurs singuli?res des fonctions dans quelques cas particuliers; 3. Des fonctions sym?triques et des fonctions altern?es. Usage de ces fonctionslÓC