This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1920 Excerpt: ...representative was-much too familiar, and I-shall remonstrate with him on-the first opportunity. 2. It-is singular that-they should choose such a time to demonstrate their strength. 3. It-was originally his intention to-join the ministry, but he-was obliged to abandon the idea. 4. The original owner was a very singular individual, who never indulged in familiarity with anyone. 5. An indispensable preliminary was-the signing of-tthe register at-the doOr of-tthe hall. 6. It-is indispensably necessary thatt-you-should-be-present at-the meeting to-morrow. Mr. Richard Young, Milwaukee, Wis. Dear-Sir: Replying to-your-i&voT of-the 1st inst., the original of-the document to-which-you-refer may-be-seen here, after a preliminary examination of-your credentials. This-is an indispensable condition, and-it-is singular lhat-you-should-not-be familiar with-it. The circumstanct would appear to show that-you-are a stranger in-this district We should-be-pleased, however, to see-you whenever yoi care to-call. Exercise 202. Write in Shorthand. LESSON 40. DISTINGUISHING OUTLINES. 152. There are some words which have outlines of their own; that is, they are readily recognized by their distinctive forms, which it is difficult to read for any but the words they are intended to represent. The following are examples of such words: fbr instincts, JL-. disqualifies, distinction, pronounce, yVV miserabty, fortunately, 153. The following list of similar words, distinguished by a difference of outline, is selected from the longer list given in Pitman's Shorthand Instructor. /...petrify,..putrefy;.StL passionate, patient; vo purpose propose, perhaps; appropriate,-X-/j property,.-v propriety, purport; appropriation, '--preparation;.t prof fer, prefer; pro...