In the development of Covenant Works I follow neither the way of the seventeenth-century Federal Theology, nor the way of nineteenth-century Critical Theology, nor the way of twentieth-century Federal Vision, nor the way of a compromise. Covenant Works lays open the Scriptures' biblical structure. The author integrates the covenant, Christology, the trinity, the kingdom, the church, and historical linearity into the Scriptures to reveal its architectonic unity. 'Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.' (Prov. 3:5) It's tempting to read Scripture through the lens of some new or progressive means of interpretation, as has been done so often through the ages. Covenant Works deigns to cast aside such lenses and cut through centuries of man-made eisegesis and philosophy. We see how God has revealed himself in Scripture as the steadfast keeper of a covenant of his own making, despite humanity's propensity to break said covenant. I recommended this book to all for building up the trust in God, 'the founder and perfecter of our faith.' (Heb. 12:2) --Thomas Bailey, Creation Ministries International T. Hoogsteen has served in parish ministries for twenty-five years. Currently he works in, on, and for He holds degrees from Calvin College and Theological Seminary, Grand Rapids, Michigan, as well as De Theologische Hogeschool van de Gereformeerde Kerken, an institution now amalgamated with Amsterdam's Free University. He published God Meant It For Good and The Tradition of the Elders.