We have at our disposal one of the greatest vehicles for...community-building known to humankind--the one called education. --from the foreword by Parker Palmer
Connecting authentically and deeply with others across all dimensions of life enriches the human spirit. The sense of community resulting from such connections is a hallmark of a supportive campus environment, which we know is an important factor in enhancing student learning. The contributions to this book offer a vision we can work toward and provide instructive examples from different types of institutions to point the way. --George D. Kuh, chancellor's professor and director, National Survey of Student Engagement, Indiana University
Ernie Boyer was a giant in higher education. This book, a resource guide, focuses on one of his great loves--campus community. The book examines his contributions and offers a compelling agenda for action. --Arthur Levine, president, Teachers College, Columbia University
This well-written and timely book draws on the lessons learned from five very different institutions as they attempted to address a major challenge to higher education-building effective campus communities. Practitioners will find this to be an invaluable resource and guide as they attempt to bring Ernie Boyer's vision to life on their campuses. A great tribute to one of America's leading educators! --Charles C. Schroeder, professor of higher education, University of Missouri-Columbia
There is no topic more important in higher education today than creating campus community. McDonald and his associates have indeed lived up to Ernest Boyer's legacy by presenting us with a remarkable set of campus models for us to admire. . . and emulate. --Yolanda T. Moses, president, American Association for Higher Education
This book comes at an auspicious time of educational transformation. Llƒ¡