This collection of original essays is an innovative, effective way to teach crime theory to undergraduates. Each essay brings an important crime theory to life by applying that theory to a current crime event or topic of interest to students. An original introductory essay by Don Gibbons explains the origins of these different explanations for criminal behavior, and how they are similar to and different from one another.This collection of original essays is an innovative, effective way to teach crime theory to undergraduates. Each essay brings an important crime theory to life by applying that theory to a current crime event or topic of interest to students. An original introductory essay by Don Gibbons explains the origins of these different explanations for criminal behavior, and how they are similar to and different from one another.Prelude - Sally S Simpson Introductory Chapter - Don C Gibbons Criminology, Criminologists, and Criminological Theory PART ONE: ACCOUNTING FOR GENDER, RACE AND CLASS DIFFERENCES IN CRIMINALITY AND CRIME CONTROL Differential Association Theory and Female Crime - Peggy C Giordana and Sharon Mohler Rockwell Feminist Theories of Women's Crime - Jody Miller Robbery as a Case Study Racial Hoaxes - Katheryn K Russell Applied Critical Race Theory The War on Crime as Hegemonic Strategy - Katherine Beckett and Theodore Sasson A Neo-Marxian Theory of New Punitiveness in U.S. Criminal Justice Policy PART TWO: TRADITIONAL CRIMINOLOGICAL THEORY UPDATED The Systematic Theory of Neighborhood Crime Rates - Robert J Bursik Jr Strain Theory and School Crime - Robert Agnew The Dramatization of Evil - Ruth Triplett Reacting to Juvenile Delinquency During the 1990's PART THREE: NEW DIRECTIONS IN THEORY - NEW IDEAS, APPLICATION, AND ISSUES The Social Control lÃç