Critical Issues in Global Health is an outstanding compAndium of knowledge and thought--from a distinguished panel of internationally renowned medical and public health experts--that offers insight into the most important health issues facing our world's populations. The volume's individual contributors represent a wide range of prestigious health organizations and institutions including the World Health Organization, National Academy of Sciences, Kellogg and Rockefeller Foundations, U.S. Centers for Disease Control, and the American Public Health Association. Edited by C. Everett Koop, Clarence E. Pearson, and M. Roy Schwarz, these never-before-published essays explore the future of international health and explain what will be required in order to provide adequate health and medical care worldwide, especially for underdeveloped countries.Foreword
Jimmy Carter
C. Everett Koop
Part One -Countries, Continents, And The World
1 The Future Of The World's Health
Gro Harlem Brundtland
2 Africa
Adetokunbo O. Lucas
3 Latin America And The Caribbean
George A. O. Alleyne
4 Eastern Mediterranean Region
Hussein A. Gezairy
5 Europe
Jo E. Asvall, Richard Alderslade
6 Western Pacific
Shigeru Omi
7 People's Republic Of China
Zhang Wenkang, M. Roy Schwarz
8 India
V. Ramalingaswami
9 Russian Federation
Jack W. Lesar, Yuri M. Komarov, Rafael G. Oganov,
Robert W. Porter
10 United States
J. Michael Mcginnis
11 Mexico
Juan Ramón De La Fuente, Fernando Al³9