Crossroadsis a rich, multidisciplinary collection of contemporary thought on rites of passage from leading psychologists, anthropologists, social and religious leaders, medical professionals, educators, and parents. Contributions include personal first-hand accounts of rites of passage that hold a profound meaning for the authors, practical information about contemporary professional work by individuals and organizations working with youth in transition, inspiring myths and stories from many cultures, and meditations on life transitions in relation to the problems we face today, such as the epidemics of violence and teen pregnancy. In no uncertain terms, Crossroads opens our eyes to our responsibility to the adolescents who are now growing up without knowledge of the spiritual roots in their culture. Many of the writers have first-hand experience and first-rate ideas of how to transform this cultural crisis. Piercing insight with realistic hope! Marion Woodmanauthor ofThe Ravaged Bridegroom Crossroadsserves as a guide book to exploring all new terrains through the development of fascinating new programs in education. These new programs are designed by devoted elders to instruct and help bridge the gap . . . . Just as Black Elk, shaman of the Ogalala Sioux tribe, had a vision for the survival of his people, so too do the contributors ofCrossroads. Ronnie LandauThe Round Table Review