In today's market, a large percentage of food consumed iseaten or purchased away from home which has created an increasingdemand for healthful options across all segments of the foodindustry. Now, more than ever, your customers realize that dietplays an important role in maintaining good health. The completelyrevised, second edition of Culinary Nutrition for FoodProfessionals gives you all of the information you need to balancetaste and health while maintaining your unique niche intoday's competitive marketplace. This book is oriented towardnutrition applications to foodservice including: * food science and nutrition science * current dietary recommendations * new food labeling regulations * product selection * menu planning for specific clientele and operationalsegments * recipe development, nutrition analysis, and cookingtechniques * merchandising healthful options in the menu mix * staff training * agricultural, industry and current food safety issues * marketing In addition, a one-of-a-kind chapter addresses fitness and dietneeds for food professionals. It is designed as a guide formaintaining peak productivity at the work site. Culinary Nutritionfor Food Professionals is recommended by the Educational Instituteof the American Culinary Federation and has been endorsed byeducators and other food professionals as a key textbook for bothculinary and hospitality management programs. In addition, the bookis a vital and current reference for foodservice managers, chefs,caterers, food product developers and retailers, restaurateurs,food writers, and health professionals. It is also a practicalreference for individuals who wish to learn the professionalapproach to cooking for taste and health. Food professionals andeducators are saying this about the revised second edition ofCulinary Nutrition for Food Professionals: This book willcertainly be useful to all of lÓ0