Inspired by the love of nature,Davis and Pop Go Hikingis a book that explores God’s beautiful world and some of the creatures He has created. Davis is a young boy that loves his grandfather, Pop. Pop takes Davis on a hiking adventure that allows Davis to explore and just be a boy. Pop and Davis have a wonderful day together that Davis will never forget.
Inspired by the love of nature,Davis and Pop Go Hikingis a book that explores God’s beautiful world and some of the creatures He has created. Davis is a young boy that loves his grandfather, Pop. Pop takes Davis on a hiking adventure that allows Davis to explore and just be a boy. Pop and Davis have a wonderful day together that Davis will never forget.
Cary D. Wood has a heart for children and likes to see them enjoy life. She also has a heart for God and has spent many years leading women’s Bible studies. She is a mother of two and grandmother of two.
Inspired by the love of nature,Davis and Pop Go Hikingis a book that explores God’s beautiful world and some of the creatures He has created. Davis is a young boy that loves his grandfather, Pop. Pop takes Davis on a hiking adventure that allows Davis to explore and just be a boy. Pop and Davis have a wonderful day together that Davis will never forget.