After President Aristide was overthrown by the Haitian military in September 1991, the UN Security Council and the OAS instituted a progression of measures to restore him to power. This unique and intriguing study examines how and why the UN Security Council took its decisions on Haiti, including authorization in July 1994 of the use of force by a US-led multinational coalition, against thede factoregime.
Foreword by Adam Roberts 1. Introduction 2. Rise and Decline of Security Council Activism, 1990-97 3. An Overview of Haiti's History, 1492-1900 4. The Anti-Aristede Coup and the International Response, January 1991-November 1992 5. The Governors Island Agreement, December 1992-November 1993 6. Authorization for the Use of Force and Aristide's Return, November 1993-October 1994 7. Stabilization and Peacebuilding: Difficult Tasks, October 1994-December 1997 8. Conclusions Chronology