Sponsored by the Consortium for Policy Research in Education Shows educators how to coordinate the various elements of policy infrastructure around a new set of ambitious, common goals for what students should know and be able to do.
The Editor.
The Contributors.
1. The Politics of Coherence (Susan H. Fuhrman).
2. Policy and Practice: The Relations Between Governance and Instruction (David K. Cohen, James P. Spillane).
3. The Role of Local School Districts in Instructional Improvement (Richard F. Elmore).
4. Systemic Educational Policy: A Conceptual Framework (William H. Clune).
5. Student Incentives and Academic Standards: IndepAndent Schools as a Coherent System (Arthur G. Powell).
6. New Directions for Early Childhood Care and Education Policy (W. Steven Barnett).
7. How the World of Students and Teachers Challenges Policy Coherence (Milbrey W. McLaughlin, Joan E. Talbert).
8. Systemic Reform and Educational Opportunity (Jennifer A. O'Day, Marshall S. Smith).
9. Conclusion: Can Policy Lead the Way? (Susan H. Fuhrman).
Name Index.
Subject Index.
SUSAN H. FUHRMAN is professor of education policy at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, and director of the Consortium for Policy Research in Education.This book offers the first in-depth look at systemic school reform, and it shows educators at the district, state, and federal levels how to coordinate the various elements of policy infrastructure around a new set of ambitious, common goals for what students should know and be able to do.lC[