Plenary Lecture.- Innovation management and Operations Research.- Linear and Stochastic Optimization and Degeneration Problems.- The implementation of interior point methods for solving LP on PC.- An optimum concept for fuzzified linear programming problems.- PAM: A new and non-procedural way to build LP models.- A probabilistic algorithm to solve linear programming problems.- Stochastic stability concepts.- Stochastic recursive algorithms for optimization in a Hilbert space.- Degeneracy in mathematical programming and degeneracy graphs A concise version of a tutorial.- Heuristics for determining a minimal set of informative nodes in the optimum degeneracy graph.- On the theory of degeneracy graphs.- Monte Carlo studies of eigenvalue problems in static and dynamic Leontief models.- Nonlinear Optimization.- Reciprocity in optimization and efficiency in the bicriteria problem: A unified approach.- Parametric orders and generalized convexity for nonlinear programming.- A method for the minimization of a quadratic convex function over the simplex.- Quasi-Newton interior points algorithms for nonlinear constrained optimization.- Structural Pareto optima in nonlinear multiobjective programming.- PADMOS, ein MS-DOS-Programm f?r nichtlineare Optimierung mit automatischem Differenzieren.- Existence and approximation results for Min Sup problems.- On strict epsilon-solutions for a two-level optimization problem.- Stochastic Models of or.- Optimal routing of customers to parallel service groups.- Sensitivit?tsanalyse in ?konomischen Modellen mit der Perturbationsanalyse.- A solution for the variance-penalized Markov decision problem based on parametric linear programming.- Dynamic programming for classification problems.- Decision Theory and Dynamic Systems.- Neuere Entwicklungen auf dem Gebiet der Vektoroptimierung Ein ?berblick.- Impossible relationships.- Graphische Entscheidungsunterst?tzung bei Mehrzielproblemen.- Control Theory and Dynamic Systems.- Modelling for optl³õ