DIVINE EMBRACE Religion thrives on two lies: distance and delay. Divine Embrace celebrates the initiative that God undertook to cancel every possible definition of distance. Emmanuel is introduced to a hostile humanity as the lover of their lives. Their sins did not distract from his extravagant love. Our calendar acknowledges the fact that 2000 years ago human history was divided into a before and after Christ. While the vast expanse cannot even begin to measure or define him, the invisible God of creation has made his image and likeness known in the only possible space wherein his being can be fully and accurately unveiled: human life. The mission of Jesus was not to begin the Christian religion but to reveal and redeem the image and likeness of God in human form. He did not come as an example for us but of us. Much of popular Christian doctrine reduce the life and teaching of Jesus to yet another 'display-window' message, while the very intent of God was to uncover the blueprint life of our design in Christ as in a mirror, where he is introduced to us not as Christ in history, or Christ in outer space, nor even as Christ in a future event, but as Christ in you! This alone completes your every expectation! Col 1:27. In John 14:20 Jesus announces the conclusion of his amazing mission: his brilliant act of salvation was not to reserve a place for a few in a distant heaven, but to redeem our oneness! He boldly declares, I and the Father are one! If you have seen me you have seen the Father. Anything we thought that we knew about God that is unlike Jesus is not God. In that day (the day that you hear the good news) you will know that I am in my Father and you in me and I in you! He is closer to you than your next breath! Now distance is replaced with oneness. Oneness is not the end result of our diligent striving or years of struggling to get closer to God; oneness is the fruit of his labor and initiative and announces our moment by moment point of departure inlƒ-