Years ago Shlomo Adler heard the story of the miraculous rescue in Bolechow, Ukraine of the Jewish couple, Solomon and Malka Rainhartz, by a Ukranian girl. After the liberation, the Ukranian girl revealed her true identity as that of a Jewish girl born in the village of Synowodzko Nizne. The girl saved herself and the Jewish couple with courage, ingenuity and luck. Jump my child. Maybe, thanks to you, there will remain a trace and memory of our family. These were the last words Donia heard from her father. She was 17 1/2 years old girl when she jumped into the unknown from the train that led her and her immediate family from Synowodzko Nizne, Ukraine to the extermination camp at Belzec. Shlomo Adler is a masterful storyteller who has taken it upon himself to reveal and memoralize the many stories of tradedy and also heroism of the Holocaust. The English lanuage version of his new book, Donia: Her bravery, Her Luck and Her Challenging Destiny is a must-read for those intersested in the Holocaust history, Jewish studies, human nature and psychology.