Major transport infrastructures are increasingly in the news as both the engineering and financing possibilities come together. However, these projects have also demonstrated the inadequacy of most existing approaches to forecasting their impacts and their overall evaluation. This collection of papers from a conference organised by the Applied Econometric Association represents a state of the art look at issues of forecasting traffic, developing pricing strategies and estimating the impacts in a set of papers by leading authorities from Europe, North America and Japan.Notes on the Contributors - Introduction ; E.Quinet & R.Vickerman - A Disaggregate Box-Cox Logit Choice Model of Intercity Passenger Travel in Germany; M.Gaudry, B.Mandel & W.Rothengatter - Measuring the Contribution of Road Infrastructure to Economic Development in France; B.Fritsch & R.Prud'homme - Infrastructure Quality and Freight Flow Scenarios; C.J.Ruijgrok & L.M.Bus - Traffic and Revenue Forecasts for the Channel Tunnel Project; A.Blanquier - Rational Pricing Strategies in the Cross Channel Travel Market; S.Szymanski - The Impact of the Channel Tunnel on the European Union; M.Wegener & K.Spiekermann - Economic Effects of the Seto-Ohashi Bridge; T.Ihara, H.Shishido, K.Tokuoka & H.Yamada - Post-Evaluation of the Japanese Railway Network 1875-1940; H.Morisugi & Y.Hayashiyama - IndexEMILE QUINET is Head of the Economics and Social Science Department at the Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chauss?es, Paris, and a Member of the Conseil G?n?ral des Ponts et Chauss?es. His books include Infrastructures des Transports, Analyse economique des transports and Infrastructure de transport at croissance.
ROGER VICKERMAN is Professor of Regional and Transport Economics, Director of the Centre for European, Regional and Transport Economics, University of Kent at Canterbury. Hislƒ-