Education Disrupted: Strategies For Saving Our Failing Schools is a hands-on approach to turnaround leadership offering literature, vignettes and personal experiences to improve schools. Practitioners will find compelling ideas for leadership in any school setting.Skillfully combining the results of relevant, available research with the substantial professional experience of its authors, this book provides readers not only with practical advice on how to turn around failing schools but also with a deep understanding of the root causes of such failure. Leadership, it is argued, is the core issue in turning around failing schools, and the book offers an extended and detailed account of the leadership required for school turnaround. The book is a rich source of guidance for aspiring and incumbent school leaders and a valuable resource for leadership developers and trainers.A powerful statement about possibilities for children too often left behind. An important guide?for practitioners who?must labor?to make that hope palpable in schools.This book gives us courage that with energy, intelligence, and renewed faith in the mission of public education we can begin to turn around those schools which are not reaching their full public potential, even as the leaders in them cant control all of the variables which will ultimately account for their success or failure. If nothing else, the book gives us renewed purpose for believing that leaders make a difference, and upon that everything else is anchored.This book will help public school educators?understand that turnaround efforts are based on sound leadership principles nothing more, nothing less.?It also provides school leaders with the critical skills to turn around failing schools and, more importantly, prevent their schools from failing in the first place.Failing schools have become the latest academic cottage industry, and they serve as lightning rods for the controversy that continues to surround the No Child Left Behlƒ-