Dick Clark presents a comprehensive and vital view of the rolethat professional development schools bring to today's educationalrenewal efforts. He offers valuable insights and thoughtfulperceptions about the realistic potential that a qualityprofessional development school can bring to learning at manylevels.
--Richard C. Kunkel, Wayne T. Smith Distinguished Professor ofEducational Leadership and dean, College of Education, AuburnUniversity; executive director, The Holmes Partnership
This book draws on years of watching the development ofprofessional development schools and provides tools, criticallenses, and models for our consideration. It will help all of usinvolved reach toward the full potential promised by theseschools.
--Patricia A. Wasley, dean, Graduate School of Education, BankStreet College of Education
This book balances advocacy and skepticism and offers an excellentwalk-through of the most important issues facing professionaldevelopment schools.
This volume in the AgAnda for Education in a Democracy seriesexplores the expanding popularity of professional developmentschools and their role in educating teachers and promoting schoolimprovement. Effective Professional Development Schools describesthe criteria for establishing quality professional developmentschools, the policies and financial arrangements needed to sustainthem, and ways to evaluate their progress. In addition to thirtyyears' experience as a teacher and administrator in public schools,Richard W. Clark has fifteen years' experience working withschool-university partnerships and professional developmentschools. He offers numerous case studies and examples of successfulprofessional development schools, as well as school selectionstandards, sample joilC[