EGO Easing God out, No, Keep Him In In this fictional thriller, Bill Sheppard, a business owner of a human resource consulting firm, has a supernatural life-altering experience with God, coupled with a miracle-filled Christian crusade trip to Africa. Once he returned, he has a God-given purpose to impact African American high school students, shifting their paradigm from apathy to a confidence originating from personal business ownership. With uncanny assistance from a mysterious ally, Don Abad, which turns out to be an agent of God aiding Bill in his mission, or is he? After a short eighteen months, the organization's exponential growth to 550,000 exceeded Bill's wildest imagination, accomplished through unlikely partnerships with a school superintendent and three principals which laid their respective jobs on the line for the success of the EGO movement. Initially launched in the three worst-performing inner-city schools, the attendance exploded to 2,500 in six weeks. Training sessions were designed to inspire the students to commit to a personal paradigm shift deducting that their perception of the world was flawed as was the perception of the news media regarding inner-city students. Collaboration now became their battle cry. The suspense-filled end of the book has a couple of unexpected twists that will have the reader invigorated, going back to find out how they missed that clue. With Bill having an Abraham-Isaac type of sacrificial decision which could derail the entire EGO movement or cost Bill his life, all consummated during an interview on The Tonight Show.