A classic textbook by one of the founders of pure mathematics, published in English translation in 1822.This is an 1822 English translation of mathematician Leonard Eulers 1770 classic textbook, and includes additions by Lagrange and notes by Eulers tutor Johann Bernoulli, both giants in eighteenth-century mathematics. It was one of the first books to provide a systematic course of study for mathematics students.This is an 1822 English translation of mathematician Leonard Eulers 1770 classic textbook, and includes additions by Lagrange and notes by Eulers tutor Johann Bernoulli, both giants in eighteenth-century mathematics. It was one of the first books to provide a systematic course of study for mathematics students.In 1770, one of the founders of pure mathematics, Swiss mathematician Leonard Euler (17071783), published Elements of Algebra, a mathematics textbook for students. This edition of Euler's classic, published in 1822, is an English translation which includes notes added by Euler's tutor, Johann Bernoulli, and additions by Joseph-Louis Lagrange, both giants in eighteenth-century mathematics, as well as a short biography of Euler. Part 1 begins with elementary mathematics of determinate quantities and includes four sections on simple calculations (adding, subtracting, division, multiplication), and then progresses to compound calculations (fractions), ratios and proportions and algebraic equations. Part 2 consists of 15 chapters on analyses of indeterminate quantities. Here, Euler shows the reader several ways to solve polynomial equations up to the fourth degree. This landmark book showed students the beauty of mathematics, and more significantly, how to do it.Part I. Analysis of Determinate Quantities: 1. Different methods of calculating simple quantities; 2. Methods of calculating compound quantities; 3. Ratios and proportions; 4. Algebraic equations, resolution of those equations; Part II. Analysis of Indeterminate Quantities; Additions M. de la Glc: