This book argues that evidence of God's existence is purposively available to humans.This book argues that we should expect evidence of divine reality to be purposively available to humans. This lesson generates a seismic shift in our understanding of evidence and knowledge of divine reality. The result is a reorienting of religious epistemology to accommodate the character and purposes of a loving God.This book argues that we should expect evidence of divine reality to be purposively available to humans. This lesson generates a seismic shift in our understanding of evidence and knowledge of divine reality. The result is a reorienting of religious epistemology to accommodate the character and purposes of a loving God.Three questions motivate this books account of evidence for the existence of God. First, if Gods existence is hidden, why suppose He exists at all? Second, if God exists, why is He hidden, particularly if God seeks to communicate with people? Third, what are the implications of divine hiddenness for philosophy, theology, and religions supposed knowledge of God? This book answers these questions on the basis of a new account of evidence and knowledge of divine reality that challenges skepticism about Gods existence. The central thesis is that we should expect evidence of divine reality to be purposively available to humans, that is, available only in a manner suitable to divine purposes in self-revelation. This lesson generates a seismic shift in our understanding of evidence and knowledge of divine reality. The result is a needed reorienting of religious epistemology to accommodate the character and purposes of an authoritative, perfectly loving God.Introduction; 1. Doubting sceptics; 2. Knowing as attunement; 3. Dying to know; 4. Philosophy revamped; 5. Aftermath; 6. Appendix: scepticism undone; References; Index.I found The Elusive God to be the most profound and interesting work I have read in the past twenty years at the intersection of philosl#S