Fighting forYour Empty Nest-Marriage offers clear-cut instructions for dealing with one of the most difficult periods in any marriage. . .the transition period when the children leave home. Based on the Prevention and Relationship Enhancement Program (PREP) and the results of a national survey of long-term married couples, this warm and helpful guide is brimming with practical suggestions and wisdom for learning to let-go of the kids and preserving the sense of commitment, love, partnership, sensuality and fun within a marriage.
Acknowledgments ix
Before You Begin: A Personal Note from David and Claudia Arp xiii
Part I: Understanding Your Empty Nest Marriage
1. Meet the Second Marriage of Your Marriage 1
2. Letting Go and Moving On 21
3. Becoming Partner Focused 41
Part II: Handling Conflict in the Empty Nest
4. Communication and Conflict: Four Danger Signs 59
5. Talking It Out: The Speaker-Listener Technique 81
6. Getting Beneath the Surface: Issues Versus Events 105
7. Problem Solving 131
8. Ground Rules for Handling Conflict 159
Part III: Dealing with Empty Nest Issues
9. When What We Want Isn't What We Get 183
10. Applying the Glue of Commitment 203
11. Core Beliefs and Developing Siprtual Intimacy 225
12. Relating to Adult Children and ging Parents 241
Part IV: Feathering Your Own Empty Nest
13. Becoming Empty Nest Lovers 265
14. Building Your Friendship 283
15. Having Fun When the Nest Empties 297
16. Keeping Your Relationship Strong 311
Research References and FurthelC[