Reviewing and correlating in detail the synthetic, mechanistic, and physical properties ofenamines, this reference features an extensive discussion of all enamine literature ...numerous practical examples of synthetic enamine applications ... new information onoxidation-reduction reactions of enamines ... numerous tables and schemes that givefast, easy access to a wealth of useful data .. . and improved coordination among contributingauthors to reduce duplication and overlap.Thoroughly updating the original edition, Enamines, Second Edition contains over2,400 bibliographic citations that help researchers investigate particular subjects depth. It comprises an authoritative source for organic, synthetic, physical, andnatural products chemists in academe, industry, or government, as well as for advancedgraduate students in these disciplines.1. Structure and Physical Properties of Enamines 2. Methods and Mechanisms of Enamine Formation 3. Hydrolysis of Enamines 4. Electrophilic Substitutions and Additions to Enamines 5. Oxidation and Reduction of Enamines 6. Ternary Iminium Salts 7. Cycloaddition Reactions of Enamines 8. Heterocyclic Enamines 9. Application of Enamines to Synthesis of Natural Products