Environmental Geology is aimed primarily at upper-level undergraduate and graduate students in departments of earth and environmental sciences, but will also strongly appeal to the professional geologist, geographer, civil engineer and planner. As human activities continue to degrade the Earth, the crucial importance of environmental geology is fast being recognized, and course structures are beginning to exhibit an environmental bias. As a result, this book is designed to cater to this new audience and direction. It provides an assessment and evaluation of environmental hazards (volcanoes, earthquakes, etc) and problems (mining, waste disposal, etc), and suggests methods of dealing with them. In short, it covers the planning, development and management of those aspects of the environment that relate to geology and those that are fundamental to the future health of our planet.
- Comprehensive coverage, up-to-date, densely illustrated and fully referenced throughout.
- Varied environmental concerns of different regions are represented by a broad geographical spread of examples.
- Author is a distinguished engineering geologist with extensive international experience.
Volcanic Activity.
Earthquake Activity.
Mass Movements.
River Activity.
Marine Activity.
Arid And Semi-Arid Lands.
Glacial And Periglacial Terrains.
Water Resources.
Soil Resources.
Problem Soils.
Rock Masses, Their Character, Problems And Uses.
The Impact Of Mining On The Environment.
Waste And Its Disposal.
Environmental Geology And Health.