This book points out some of the major challenges faced by humankind to save the environment. Human activities and exploitation have led to rapid degradation and depletion of natural resources. It is thus necessary to understand the relationship between humans and their ecosystems. Environmental science is an integrated discipline with an interdisciplinary approach to study various environmental concerns. This book addresses major issues and problems to improve environmental quality in all aspects and provides an insight to maintain sustainable development practices. It encompasses topics on ecology, environmental management and major scientific breakthroughs to understand the functioning of ecosystems.This book points out some of the major challenges faced by humankind to save the environment. Human activities and exploitation have led to rapid degradation and depletion of natural resources. It is thus necessary to understand the relationship between humans and their ecosystems. Environmental science is an integrated discipline with an interdisciplinary approach to study various environmental concerns. This book addresses major issues and problems to improve environmental quality in all aspects and provides an insight to maintain sustainable development practices. It encompasses topics on ecology, environmental management and major scientific breakthroughs to understand the functioning of ecosystems.This book points out some of the major challenges faced by humankind to save the environment. Human activities and exploitation have led to rapid degradation and depletion of natural resources. It is thus necessary to understand the relationship between humans and their ecosystems. Environmental science is an integrated discipline with an interdisciplinary approach to study various environmental concerns. This book addresses major issues and problems to improve environmental quality in all aspects and provides an insight to maintain sustainable development practices. ItlóZ