This book represents the collected thinking of a few people who have had strong personal connections to Dr. Song Nai Rhee. Because the integration of faith and learning is a core value held by Dr. Rhee, the various authors have written essays on this topic in honor of his life and work. Such a book is typically referred to as a Festschrift, a celebratory writing given for a special person. Dr. Rhee's robust career at Northwest Christian College/University is celebrated by the essays brought together in this book. All the authors have known Dr. Rhee as students or as academic colleagues or both. What they write about ranges from topics found in biblical literature to expressly theological ideas to matters that are eminently practical. Yet each essay is held in place by its relevancy to the ongoing conversations about how faith and learning are integrated in the context of the Christian liberal arts university. More important, each author has a deep and abiding respect for Dr. Song Nai Rhee. His teaching and mentoring at Northwest Christian College/University have left an indelible mark on each of their lives. Anyone interested in the integration of faith and learning, particularly in Christian higher education, will find something useful in Essays in Faith and Learning. From someone deeply engaged in this complex topic for more than fifty years, Dr. Rhee's own summation of his experiences and current understanding is worth the cost of the book alone. --Steve Silver, Library Director, Northwest Christian University An incredibly interesting and captivating account of the life contributions of Dr. Song Nai Rhee paralleled with the modern history of Christian higher education, and his role in it. I highly recommend this Festschrift to all who seek to understand the call of God's purpose in their lives and embrace what it means to place service to others above self. --Gregory Strausbaugh, vice president for Advancement, Northwest Christian University Version lƒ&