
The EU-Russian Energy Dialogue Europe's Future Energy Security [Hardcover]

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  • Category: Books (Political Science)
  • ISBN-10:  0754648087
  • ISBN-10:  0754648087
  • ISBN-13:  9780754648086
  • ISBN-13:  9780754648086
  • Publisher:  Routledge
  • Publisher:  Routledge
  • Pages:  238
  • Pages:  238
  • Binding:  Hardcover
  • Binding:  Hardcover
  • Pub Date:  01-May-2007
  • Pub Date:  01-May-2007
  • SKU:  0754648087-11-MPOD
  • SKU:  0754648087-11-MPOD
  • Item ID: 100904923
  • Seller: ShopSpell
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  • Delivery by: Apr 03 to Apr 05
  • Notes: Brand New Book. Order Now.
EU-Russian energy dialogue represents a policy issue that forces us to take a serious look at several crucial questions related to the present and future of Europe such as: how can the EU area ensure its future energy security when it is running out of its own energy resources and at the same time incorporating new members who are also dependent on energy imports? This book not only outlines the overall characteristics of the energy dialogue, but also illustrates the involved policy implementation challenges by paying special attention to the regional context of northern Europe. The study contributes to diverse fields such as international relations and political science, European studies, studies on energy politics, international political economy, post-Soviet politics, and literature on regionalization and regionalisms, with a special reference to northern Europe.Contents: Introduction, Pami Aalto and Kristen Westphal; The EU-Russia energy dialogue and the future of European integration: from economic to politico-normative narratives, Pami Aalto; Energy dialogue and the future of Russia: politics and economics in the struggle for Europe, Viatcheslav Morozov; Energy dialogue from strategic partnership to the regional level of the northern dimension, Tatiana Romanova; Germany and the EU-Russia energy dialogue, Kirsten Westphal; The Nordic countries: engaging Russia, trading in energy or taming environmental threats?, Pami Aalto and Nina Tynkkyen; The Baltic gateway: a corridor leading towards 3 different directions?, Eiki Berg; Actors in Russia's energy policy towards the EU, Stanislav L. Tkachenko; Conclusion: prospects for a Pan-European energy policy, Pami Aalto; Bibliography; Index.Pami Aalto is a Research Fellow at University of Tampere, Finland.
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