The force of example was a distinctive determiner of Roman identity. However, examples always rely upon the response of an audience, and are dependent upon context. Even where the example presented is positive, we cannot always suppress any negative associations it may also carry. In this study of the representation of certain central characters in Silius Italicus'
Punica, Ben Tipping considers the virtues and vices they embody, their status as exemplars, and the process by which Silius as epic poet heroizes, demonizes, and establishes models. Tipping argues that example is a vital source of significance within the
Punica, but also an inherently unstable mode, the lability of which affects both Silius' epic heroes and his villainous Hannibal.
1. Exordium
2. Perspective and Paradigm
3. Hannibal
4. Fabius Maximus Cunctator
5. Scipio Africanus Maior
6. Upending
1. Exordium
2. Perspective and Paradigm
3. Hannibal
4. Fabius Maximus Cunctator
5. Scipio Africanus Maior
6. Upending
An important contribution in the areas of Flavian epic and more generally, exemplarity. --
Bryn Mawr Classical Review Overall, this is a stimulating study, lucid and well written, a significant contribution to the study not only of the Flavian poet but also of heroism in Latin epic in general. --
Classical WorldBen Tippingis Assistant Professor of the Classics, Harvard University.