A timely look at how to evaluate and determine executive pay Recognized as the leading expert on executive compensation, Robin Ferracone combines her own 20 years of experience with interviews with executives and compensation committees to provide a clear examination of and guidance on determining pay packages, actions, and designs. and Over the past 25 years, the author has created a database of executive pay across 44,000 companies, broken down by company performance, company revenue and industry. Using this data, the author provides boards and individuals evaluating executive pay with the ability to analytically determine an appropriate compensation package.
- Provides real-life stories, perspectives, and insights from thought leaders on executive compensation
- Contains interview with compensation committee members, executives, academicians, government leaders, and shareholder activists
- Research based on 44,000 companies broken down by performance, revenue and industry
Offers a timely resource on a hot button topic.
Preface vii
Part One: Fair Pay 1
1. Same Problems, Different Context 3
2. Shareholder Value: A Good Indicator of Long-Term Success 23
3. The Anatomy of Performance-Adjusted Compensation (PAC) 41
4. The Performance and Pay Alignment Zone 57
5. The Alignment Report 73
6. From Maligned to Aligned 83
7. Patterns of Misalignment 91
Part Two: Fair Play 111
8. The Root Causes of Misalignment 113
9. Aggressive Target Pay 125
10. Turbo-Charged Upside 145
11. Conventional Goal-Setting 157
12. Short-Term Gain; Long-Tel³9