This volume is part of a series which provides a fundamental resource for feminist biblical scholarship, containing a comprehensive selection of essays, both reprinted and specially written for the series, by leading feminist scholars. In this volume, Brenner-Idan collects some of the foremost feminist scholars in biblical studies, including Susanne Scholz, Carol Delaney and Lyn M. Bechtel, to offer their words on the role of woman in the first book of the Old Testament, how she is portrayed, and the implication of attitudes towards her.
Acknowledgments/ Abbreviations/Athalya BrennerIntroduction/
Part I/ 'At the Start': Emblems of Gender Relations and Human Existence/Luise Schottroff/The Creation Narrative: Genesis 1.1-2.4a/Mary Phil Korsak/Genesis: A New Look/Helen Sch??ngel-Straumann/On the
Creation of Man and Woman in Genesis 1-3: The History and Reception of the
Texts Reconsidered/Lyn M. Bechtel/
Rethinking the Interpretation of Genesis 2.4b-3.24/Carol L. Meyers/Gender Roles and Genesis 3.16 Revisited/Adrien Janis Bledstein/Are Women Cursed
in Genesis 3.16?/Pamela J. Milne/
The Patriarchal Stamp of Scripture: The Implications of Structural Analyses for
Feminist Hermeneutics/Ilana Pardes/Beyond
Genesis 3: The Politics of Maternal Naming/Philip
R. Davies/Women, Men, Gods, Sex and Power: The Birth of a Biblical Myth/
Part II/ 'Emblems of Motherhood'/Athalya
Brenner/Female Social Behaviour: Two Descriptive Patterns within the 'Birth
of the Hero' Paradigm/Fokkelien van
Dijk-Hemmes/Sarai's Exile: A Gender-Motivated Reading of Genesis
12.10-13.2/Savina J. Teubal/Sarah
and Hagar: Matriarchs and Visionaries/Arie
Troost/Reading for the Author's Signature: Genesis 21.1-21 and Luke
15.11-32 as Intertexts/Esther Fuchs/Structure,
Ideology and Politics in the Biblical Betrothal Type-Scenelă€