A variety of new perspectives and fresh insights into people and society in fifteenth-century England and France are gathered together here. We learn from contemporary accounts of the battle of Anthon how regional politics in the Dauphin? were enmeshed in the broader conflict over the French throne; subtle inferences about East Anglian politics in the fifteenth century are derived not only from a detailed study of stained glass, but also from a close examination of Sir John Fastolf's papers; the motivations of members of guilds in founding almshouses in their towns, and how such establishments functioned, are presented for our deeper understanding; relations between Humphrey, duke of Gloucester, and the citizens of London at crucial stages of Henry VI's reign are explored anew; the celebration of the accession of Edward IV by the artistic endeavours of a clerk of the staple of Calais gives our study of the period a new visual dimension; and a drama perhaps performed in the household of Cardinal Morton throws a new perspective on contemporary attitudes towards the nobility and Henry VII's new men . Contributors: KATHLEEN DALY, DAVID KING, RUTH LEXTON, JONATHAN MACKMAN, CAROLE RAWCLIFFE, COLIN RICHMOND, LUCY RHYMER, ANNE F, SUTTON.Important aspects of fifteenth-century England and Europe assessed in this new collection.