Flash MX Studio takes your raw Flash talent and multiplies its potency by focusing it on real-world web design situations. In the heady days of the late 1990s, designers were trying their hand at anything and everything they could lay their hands on. Now the marketplace is seriously focused, and serious Flash designers have to know exactly what they're doing and why. These days, it's all about functionality over experimentation, justification over style. It's all about maturity. The design must fit the job specs, and this book shows the reader how to fulfill these requirements and more.
This book examines all the avenues open to professional or aspiring professional Flash MX designers. It takes a look at advanced uses of the new MX features, such as components and the Drawing API, and gives guidance on building whole new structures for animation, Dynamic Content, PHP, ColdFusion MX, XML, video, audio and audiovisual formats.
Never before has so much power been so accessible to the web designer. This book is designed to put that power in your hands.
Flash MX Studio has been broken into four sections to address the most common needs for the Flash designer. First off, Jamie McDonald provides five chapters on site presentation and the principles of web design. These opening chapters take a look at how to create slick, professional-level sites, involving Flash MX's new drawing and motion capabilities and interactive techniques.
The second section concentrates on ActionScript. Flash's resident coding environment is crucial to master, and taps into Flash's great strengthintuitive and interactive applications. Keith Peters and Todd Yard have buddied up on this section, and examine some of the most advanced ActionScript techniques around. Be warnedthis section is notl“!