Beginning as a young boy, Jules takes you through the unique process of becoming a Naval Aviator, engages you into his experiences as a brand new pilot in a combat squadron and, finally becoming a flying warrior. Having survived two combat cruises aboard the aircraft carrier USS Kitty Hawk from 19661968, compiling 332 career carrier take offs and landings, being shot at daily by enemy fire while completing 200 combat missions over Vietnam, he clearly shares the views of the aviators who flew along with him on these missions while fighting this unpopular war. Jules was awarded the Nations Distinguished Flying Cross, 21 Air Medals, and many other accolades. After reading this book the reader will have a new understanding and appreciation about the Warriors who protect not only their comrades in arms, but the defense of the nation as well.
Illustrates the life changing events that occurred during the road to becoming a Naval Aviator during the Vietnam war
Demonstrates to readers how Flying Warriors handled the pressure of daily combat and loss of fellow comrades
Provides a solid appreciation of the sacrifices made by the nations warriors
Jules Harper is uniquely qualified to write about combat missions over Vietnam as he personally flew 200 combat sorties from 19661968. As the public affairs officer for his attack squadron, VA-112, stationed aboard the USS Kitty Hawk during this time period, he wrote many articles about his squadron mates missions that were published not only in newspapers and magazines, but were also used in television shows. As a highly decorated Naval Aviator he has been the President of a Veterans club, served on the board of directors for the Naval Air Historical Society located in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, given presentations to other clubs, and companies have hired him to give inspirational talks to their employees. Jules Harper's story is nothing shy of inspiring. As a professor, I was delighted to see students capl³4