* Practically orientatedteaches via a real website design. Reader will leave book with knowledge and a self-created website. All examples are useful in real-world web applications, source code will be available for download, and a case study runs throughout the book bringing together all the concepts learned along the way, demonstrating how it can be applied to the construction of a complete dynamic website.
* Starts off at a low level, accessible to novices and ultimately achieves a much deeper understanding than many other beginner books, maintaining the essential designer-to-designer philosophy throughout, but covering both design and development (front- and back-end) of a website.
* Many books in one! Along with Dreamweaver MX 2004, we introduce and use a variety of the best web technologies, like CSS, PHP, Apache, and mySQL. Also includes the all-important compliancy with (and background info on) web standards throughout.
friends of EDA table of contents is not available for this title.
From the reviews:
Cooler than Jack Nicholson smearing ice-cream on The White Stripes in a freezer. In the Winter. On Pluto! DMXzone.com
From the reviews:
I liked this book very much; the style was bright and breezy enough so that it never got boring & . The learning curve in this book is fast, but not frightening, and it coves all the basics but distinguishes itself by including information on design, the user experience and security which you dont usually see in books aimed at the beginner & . (Bruce Lawson, DMXzone, 2004)
George McLachlan lives in Glasgow, Scotland and is a freelance PHP developer. He has been a beta tester for Dreamweaver MX, and also one of the developers for a third-party extension called PHPMXDB, which aims to provide additional dlĂ#