Written by seasoned builders from across the country, this revised edition ofFoundations & Concrete Workfeatures 17 new articles fromFine Homebuildingmagazine, all focused on helping builders form and pour the absolute highest-quality foundations.
- more than 375 on-the-job photos and drawings
- 272 pages chock-full of advice, tips, and tricks from the world's most foremost home building experts
- fromFine Homebuildingmagazine, the most respected residential construction magazine in the country.
Foundations & Concrete Work, is the only book on the subject that builders will ever need!
- Content. From a thorough survey of concrete basics through forming and pouring foundations to keeping a basement dry, Foundations and Concrete Work is the definitive guide to the subject.
- Audience. Articles are selected from feature stories that have appeared in Fine Homebuilding, the most respected residential construction magazine in the country.
- Sales Track. Taunton's FOR PROS BY PROS series is a category leader; these are the best-built books for builders and homeowners.
- Author. All contributing authors are seasoned professionals whose articles have appeared in Fine Homebuilding magazine.
PART 1. Concrete Basics
Understanding Building Loads
Soil: The Other Half of the FoundationGetting the Right ConcreteEfflorescence and SpallingWorking with RebarStart with Batter BoardsA Solid Deck Begins with Concrete PiersMix Concrete by the Bag
PART 2. Building Foundations
Placing a Small Concrete SlabPouring Concrete SlabsForming and Pouring FootingsForming and Pouring FoundationsAir-Sealed Mudsill AssemblyAn Energy-Smart Foundation in Two DaysSlab Foundation for Cold ClilĂP