Fractals and Chaos: An Illustrated Course provides you with a practical, elementary introduction to fractal geometry and chaotic dynamics-subjects that have attracted immense interest throughout the scientific and engineering disciplines. The book may be used in part or as a whole to form an introductory course in either or both subject areas. A prominent feature of the book is the use of many illustrations to convey the concepts required for comprehension of the subject. In addition, plenty of problems are provided to test understanding. Advanced mathematics is avoided in order to provide a concise treatment and speed the reader through the subject areas. The book can be used as a text for undergraduate courses or for self-study.INTRODUCTION Introduction A matter of fractals Deterministic chaos Chapter summary and further reading
REGULAR FRACTALS AND SELF-SIMILARITY Introduction The Cantor set Non-fractal dimensions: the Euclidean and topological dimension The similarity dimension The Koch curve The quadratic Koch curve The Koch island Curves in the plane with similarity dimension exceeding 2 The Sierpinski gasket and carpet The Menger Sponge Chapter summary and further reading Revision questions and further tasks
RANDOM FRACTALS Introduction Randomizing the Cantor set and Koch curve Fractal boundaries The box counting dimension and the Hausdorff dimension The structured walk technique and the divider dimension The perimeter-area relationship Chapter summary and further reading Revision questions and further tasks
REGULAR AND FRACTIONAL BROWNIAN MOTION Introduction Regular Brownian motion Fractional Brownian motion: time traces Fractional Brownian surfaces Fractional Brownian motion: spatial trajectories Diffusion limited aggregation The colorl3‡