In this concise history of France since 1815, David Parry and Pierre Girard examine distinctive features of contemporary France, tracing their origins, and investigating their continuities and transformations. Each chapter focuses on a particular chronological period: beginning by setting the scene in terms of political events, the narrative then broadens out to consider the wider issues of society, economics, religion, the arts, gender relations, and France's relationship with Europe and with the rest of the world.
Introduction 1. 1815-1848 2. 1848-1877 3. 1877-1914 4. 1914-1944 5. 1944-1969 6. 1969-1990s Conclusion: France since the 1990s Chronology Bibliography Index
David Parrywas formerly a research fellow at Hertford College, Oxford, and is now a consultant with Datamonitor plc.
Pierre Girardis Professor of Contemporary History at the University of Orleans.