
Frauen und Romisches Militar [Paperback]

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  • Category: Books (Social Science)
  • Author:  Brandl, Ulrich
  • Author:  Brandl, Ulrich
  • ISBN-10:  1407301985
  • ISBN-10:  1407301985
  • ISBN-13:  9781407301983
  • ISBN-13:  9781407301983
  • Publisher:  British Archaeological Reports
  • Publisher:  British Archaeological Reports
  • Pages:  155
  • Pages:  155
  • Binding:  Paperback
  • Binding:  Paperback
  • Pub Date:  01-Jul-2008
  • Pub Date:  01-Jul-2008
  • SKU:  1407301985-11-MPOD
  • SKU:  1407301985-11-MPOD
  • Item ID: 100782400
  • Seller: ShopSpell
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  • Delivery by: Dec 24 to Dec 26
  • Notes: Brand New Book. Order Now.
Ten papers from a round-table session presented at a conference in Xanten, Germany in 2005. Contents: 1) ??. . . intrare castra feminis non licet.?? - Tatsache oder literarische Fiktion ? Ein kritischer Literatur??erblick (Beata Rudan and Ulrich Brandl); 2) ??Incedere inter milites, habere ad manum centuriones ... iam et exercitus regerent!?? Frauen und risches Milit??r - eine schwierige Beziehung? (Oliver Stoll); 3) Uxores, coniuges, libertae. Frauen in Inschriften rischer Legion??re - Versuch einer numerischen Bestandsaufnahme (Ulrich Brandl); 4) ??Soldatenbr??ute?? - Ausgew??hlte epigraphische Zeugnisse zum Verh??ltnis zwischen rischen Soldaten und Frauen (Ulrich Brandl); 5) Frauen im Lager von Vindolanda? Zur Korrespondenz in den Vindolanda-Tafeln (Renate Lafer); 6) Those who wait at home: the effect of recruitment on women in the Lower Rhine area (Carol Van Driel-Murray); 7) Frauen in rischen Milit??rlagern? Eine arch??ologische Spurensuche (Marcus Reuter); 8) Mitten im Lager geboren - Kinder und Frauen im rischen Legionslager Vindonissa (Jurgen Trumm and Regine Fellmann Brogli); 9) The women and children inside 1st and 2nd-century forts: comparing the archaeological evidence (Penelope M. Allison); 10) Die Distelfibeln - Sind sie M??nner - oder Frauenfibeln? (Astrid Bohme-Schonberger).10 papers from a 2005 conference in Xanten look at issues relating to the interaction between women and the Roman army. Essays discuss the evidence for women and children around forts and whether in fact it were even permitted for women to enter a Roman fort, as well as the lives of women left at home while the husbands served in the military.
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