Untitled Document Do you like to fly? Are you into aviation? Might you want to teach as a flight instructor? How about reading articles about aviation? Have an interest in aviation history? If so, you may find this book interesting. It is, after all, about the art and joy of flying.
I started my blog in August 2010 after watching the movie Julie & Julia. The movie actually made me feel guilty for not having done what I was supposed to do a long time ago?-namely-write about airplanes, flying, teaching aviation techniques, and basically having fun in the sky.
There is only one reason for this book. It is to allow those who prefer books to computers and Kindles an option for reading flying stories from the blog. Many around the world responded very positively about the aviation writings of the blog. From one of the readers of the blog:
I enjoy reading your articles on the antique planes and general aviation. I own an Aeronca 7AC and enjoy writing about my travels and exploits. I post them on my website http://www.lownslowpilot.com. I've thought about writing a book regarding these travels and the 30 years of flying taildraggers, but I get lost in the ramifications of doing such. I appreciate your insight you share and enjoy the posts.
- Dale Cap'n PineTree Andersen