This is the first comprehensive study of the economics and politics of postsocialism in thirty transition countries in Europe and Asia. The author, the architect of Poland's successful reforms, compares initial conditions, shifting target models, paths to reform, and progress to date. He offers sensible policy alternatives to the Washington Consensus.
Introduction 1. Transition from socialism: where to? 2. Different points of departure 3. Systemic change and economic performance 4. Transitional recession: expectations, reality, interpretations 5. The Washington Consensus revisited 6. Transition policy and development strategy 7. Transition from plan to market 8. Financial reform and policy 9. The redistribution of the costs and benefits of transition 10. Marketization and democratization 11. From recovery to sustained growth 12. The internationalization of postsocialist economies 13. The long-term prospects 14. Doubts and conclusions