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Functional Methods in Quantum Field Theory.- I. Introduction.- II. Path Integrals.- 1. The classical action.- 2. The Feynman postulates.- 3. Quantum mechanics.- 4. The classical limit.- 5. The Euclidean postulate.- 6. Field theory at finite temperature.- III. Feynman Diagrams.- 1. Graphical representation of the path integral.- 2. Propagators.- 3. Feynman rules.- 4. Diagrammatic evaluation of Gaussian integrals.- 5. The effective potential.- 6. The effective potential at finite temperature.- IV. Fermions.- 1. The Grassmann algebra.- 2. Gaussian integrals and the superdeterminant.- 3. Applications.- V. Ghosts.- 1. Ghost fields and fictitious particles.- 2. Ghost fields in Feynman diagrams.- 3. Ghost counting.- References.- to Electro-Weak Interactions.- I. Introduction.- II. Gauge Invariance.- III. Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking.- 1. Introduction.- 2. Goldstone bosons.- 3. Higgs mechanism.- 4. Pseudo-Goldstone bosons.- IV. The Standard Model.- 1. Couplings.- 2. Gauge boson masses.- V. Anomalies.- VI. Fermi Mass Matrix.- 1. Mixing angles and phases.- 2. Symmetries of Yukawa couplings.- 3. Leptons.- VII. CP.- 1. $$\rm K^O\bar{K}^O$$ system phenomenology.- 2. Models of CP violation.- 3. Neutron electric dipole moment.- 4. Strong CP violation and axion.- VIII. Things to look for.- 1. W, Z bosons.- 2. More gauge bosons.- 3. New fermions.- 4. Higgs bosons.- 5. Rare decay modes.- References.- The Weak Interactions in the Confining Phase.- References.- Heavy Quark Systems.- Electron-Positron Interactions at High Energies.- I. Introduction.- II. PETRA and PEP.- 1. PETRA.- 2. PEP.- III. The structure of Leptons.- IV. Weak Neutral Current Contributions to Lepton Pair Production.- V. Search for new Particles.- 1. Excited leptons.- 2. Search for heavy sequential lepton.- 3. Neutral heavy lepton.- 4. Supersymmetric scalar leptons.- 5. Free quarks.- VI. Jet Formation in e+e? annihilation.- 1. The quark parton model.- 2. Elements of QCD.- 3. QCD modifications to R.- 4. Gluon Bremsstrl32
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