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This book analyzes the basic science and treatment of male factor infertility with Dr. Silbers characteristic honesty and clear thinking. It describes finally what works and what doesnt work. It will inspire everyone in reproductive medicine (Gynecologists, Urologists, Embryologists and Endocrinologists) who wish to better understand male infertility.
Part 01- HOW THE THE TESTIS WORKS Basic Science of the Testis.- 1. Testis development embryology and anatomy.- 2. Decent from the abdomen of the fetal testis to the scrotum.- 3. Adult testis anatomy.- 4. Structure of the seminiferous tubules.- 5. Blood supply to the testis.- 6. Histology of the testis and spermatogenesis.- 7. Hormonal regulation of spermatogenesis.- 8. Meiosis.- Part 02- EVALUATION AND TREATMENT OF MALE INFERTILITY.- 9. Evaluation of the male.- 10. Treatment of male infertility.- 11. Azoospermia.- 12. Genetics of male infertility and intracytoplasmic sperm injection.- 13. Donor Sperm.-
14. Sperm Cryopreservation.- 15. Varicocele.- 16. Kallmans Syndrome and Hypopituitarism.- Part 03- NEW FRONTIERS: Y CHROMOSOMES IN THE ERA OF ICSI, AND SPERMATOGENIC STEM CELL TRANSPLANTATION.- 17. Y chromosome in the ear of ICSI.- 18.Spermatogeneic stem cell culture and transplantation.- 19. Sperm from Skin Cells: Embryonic Stem Cells, and Differentiation to Eggs and Sperm.- 20. Identification of SSCs (Spermatogonial Stem Cells) and Genetic Control of All Stages of Spermatogenesis
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