Genetic Dissection of Complex Traits will present the full range of methodologies that are essential for understanding the basis of human genetic disorders, the origin of such diseases, and theories on how to determine one's genetic predisposition to certain genetic diseases.Contributors. Preface. Acknowledgments. NEWTON MORTON'S CONTRIBUTIONS Newton Morton: The Wisconsin Years. Newton Morton's Influence on Genetics: The Morton Number. OVERVIEW AND PRELIMINARIES Genetic Dissection of Complex Traits: An Overview. Familial Resemblance and Heritability. Linkage and Association: Basic Concepts. PHENOTYPES AND GENOTYPES Definition of the Phenotype. Genotyping for Human Whole-Genome Scans: Past, Present, and Future. MODEL-BASED METHODS FOR LINKAGE ANALYSIS The Lod Score Method. Extension of the Lod Score: The Mod Score. Major Strengths and Weaknesses of the Lod Score Method. MODEL-FREE METHODS FOR LINKAGE AND ASSOCIATION ANALYSIS Overview of Model-free Methods for Linkage Analysis. Variance Component Methods for Detecting Complex Trait Loci. Linkage and Association with Structural Relationships. The Future of Genetic Case-Control Studies. Cost of Linkage versus Association Methods. Genotype-Environment Interaction in Transmission Disequilibrium Tests. Major Strengths and Weaknesses of Model-free Methods. MORE RECENT METHODS Meta-analysis for Model-free Methods. Classification Methods for Confronting Heterogeneity. Applications of Neural Networks for Gene Finding. Genome Partitioning and Whole-Genome Analysis. Deciphering the Genetic Architecture of a Multivariate Phenotype. OPTIMUM STRATEGIES On the Resolution and Feasibility of Genome Scanning Approaches. One-Slă€